Now playing: 平原綾香 - 翼をください
via FoxyTunes Our friend, Yoshimasa, comes over to our house regularly.
We eat, laugh, play games, read the Bible and make music.
Recently he started to teach us an old Japanese favourite from the 70's entitled 翼をください(tsubasa wo kudasai), which, translated, would be "Give me wings".
Below is the lyrics of the song in English (my translation)
If my wishes could come true
Please give me wings
Wings like those of birds
White and pure.
* I want to spread those wings and rise
High into the endless sky
To the world of freedom above
Where sorrows are no more
I'd spread those wings and rise
We still dream the very same
As our childhood dreams
repeat *
And these are the original Japanese lyrics:
今 私の願いごとが叶うならば
* この大空に翼を広げ
To these heart felt desires to know freedom, happiness and love, the God of the Bible offers just what will make these dreams come true.
comments from our friend Akiko:
I learned this song in a music class in junior high school!
Have you heard the original one, 赤い鳥's beautiful voice?
Check it out!
Isaiah 40 : 30 - 31 (NRSV)
" Even youths will faint and be weary,
and the young will fall exhausted ;
but those who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength,
they shall mount up with wings like eagles,
they shall run and not be weary,
they shall walk and not faint. "
Thank you, in christ, for your apt comments. Pray with us that these heart longings may find their fulfillment in Christ.
Yes, I will.
Our God is able.
He can move that mountain.
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