Saturday, March 17, 2007

Japanese service

I am clearing the snow on the steps of our apartment.

The sound of engine tells me that someone is here, and glancing up I see that it's the postman delivering letters to the downstairs apartment.

He then comes up the stairs I am in the process of clearing.

Is he going to us or the neighbour next door...I think idly to myself as I continue to throw snow from the stairs over the railing to the snow pile below.

He is right outside our door. Ah he will be down in a second. It doesn't take more time than that to slip a couple of letters through the slot in the door. So I am surprised when after a minute or so, he is still not coming down the stairs.

This time I look up and watch more closely. His finger is on our bell. I start to call out to him but Stanley has come to the door.

10 seconds later, the postman is down the stairs and gone.

Registered mail? Parcel delivery? What was that? I ask.

O no, just ordinary mail. Stanley replies. He just wanted to confirm that we are the right recipients since he has never delivered a mail with this name to this address before.

No wonder Japanese service ranks no. 1 in the world.


Richardsh56 said...

great blog! I look forward to the snow-clearing postman interfering video on YouTube!

Every blessing and thinking of you - its snowing a bit here too even though the daffodils are already out.

Best regards


Unknown said...

Hello, this is Kishi.

Great blog!
I want my colleagues in Yodobashi to know that Japanese service ranks no.1 in the world. They work so hard, but almost nobody encourage them. No wonder they just want to enjoy themselves with crazy alcohol-party and driving a car on extremely high speed.